Impact Roofing

5940 Craft Rd. Alexandria, VA 22310

The Benefits of Having a Yearly Roof Inspection

A strong roof is your best defense from nature’s harsh elements. It may appear to be in great condition, but hidden problems could be lurking just beneath the surface that left undetected could lead to a costly repair bill. Scheduling a yearly professional roof inspection is a preventative measure you should consider that will keep a sturdy roof over your head for years to come.
Although you can easily see a leak in your attic or missing shingles, it takes a trained professional to spot potential problems that may not be obvious to the untrained eye. A professional roof inspection includes checking the structural integrity of the roof, the roofing material for wear and tear, the gutter system for damage and missing components, and checking the interior for signs of water damage.
It’s best to have your roof inspection done in the fall so you have time to make any necessary repairs before the harsh winter weather sets in. Trying to repair a roof in winter weather can be dangerous and many roofing materials can’t be applied in cold weather.
One of the things a roof inspection can detect is the presence of moss. The best time of the year to treat your roof for moss is the fall. That’s another good reason to schedule your roof inspection at that time of the year. The usual way a roof is treated for moss is to apply a solution to it and leave the solution on it for an extended period of time, sometimes months. By treating your roof for moss in the fall, the solution can be left on the roof to work over the winter, then in the spring, you simply hose the roof off with water or sweep the roof off with a broom.
Also, don’t wait for your annual roof inspection if you have had a severe storm in your area and you think your roof has been damaged. Contact a roofing professional and schedule an inspection right away, don’t inspect your roof yourself after storm damage.
A professional roofing inspection might not be something you have had on your to-do-list, but it’s an important preventative measure whether you own a home or a business. A little money spent every year on an inspection will help prolong the life of your roof which will save you money in the long run. Your roof is a big investment, and you need to protect it just like it is there to protect you.
Fall is just around the corner, have you scheduled your annual roof inspection? If not, contact us today at 703-329-2959 for more information or to schedule an appointment.